Forward Sumner Names 2020 Board of Directors
At the January 29, 2020 Forward Sumner Economic Partnership Annual Stakeholders and Board of Directors meeting, the following were appointed to the 2020 Board of Directors:
Jim Harrison, CSDG, Chair
Hillary Bonham, Goodall Homes & Communities, Incoming Chair
Daisy Casey, First Horizon, Past Chair
Rick Turner, Rogers Group, Inc., Secretary
Susan Peach, Sumner Regional Medical Center, Treasurer
Jimmy Johnston, President/CEO
Regina Bartlett, Hendersonville Medical Center
Jimmy Batten, Batten & Shaw
Clay Curtis, Curtis Construction
Paul Dixon, Southeast Construction & Restoration
J.R. Ernst, Ernst-Western Corporation
Johnny Garrett, Bone McAllester Norton, PLLC
Jerry Herman, City of White House
Amanda Hite, STR
Anthony Holt, Sumner County Mayor
Meredith Hunter, Hendersonville IDB
Bryan Ledford, Rogers Group, Inc.
Scott Perry, Memorial Foundation
John Puryear, Puryear Farms Nursery & Landscaping
Joe Rewa, Hendersonville Utility District
Taylor Walker, Wilson Bank & Trust